Reprise - Spelmans Musik

Reprise - Spelmans Musik
Reprise is a new collection of Swedish folk songs curated by master fiddler Paul Dahlin. Accompanied by some of the Twin Cities’ finest folk musicians.
Recorded in the historic Turnblad Mansion, which has hosted folk performances for decades, Reprise celebrates not only the music but also the people who keep this living tradition alive.
Side A
1. Björk Fars Gånglåt
A walking tune from Vikarbyn. Paul learned this variant from a 1975
recording by Evert Sandin.
2. Pers Annas Vals av Pers Erik, Östbjörka
This waltz was named for Pers Erik’s wife Anna, as it was her favorite.
3. Polska efter Laggar Anders, Boda
There are other versions of this polska. The one played here comes from
a 1973 recording of Laggar Anders, his wife Astrid, Röjås Jonas and Påhl
Olle. Paul, Frances, Marikay (cittra).
4. Polskan Min av Pers Hans Olsson
5. Polska efter Nall Jon
A favorite polska from Nall Jon/John Eriksson, who was the fiddling
partner of Paul’s grandfather Edwin Johnson. Paul, Bruce, Mary, Daniel,
Marikay (cittra).
6. Vals av Göras Anders, Östbjörka,“Stöbrödsvalsen”
This tune came from a cassette given to Paul by Säbb Anders in 1992.
Its name translates to “The Breadcrumb Waltz.”
7. Skänklåtar av Påhl Olle
Påhl Olle recorded these for Paul during his visit to the USA in 1984.
The second is named for his wife, Astrid.
8. Rättviks Spelmanslag 60 års Vals av Säbb Anders
Säbb Anders made this waltz to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the
Rättviks Spelmanslag.
Side B
1. Vals av Ekor Anders, Älvdalen
2. D-Dur Polska, efter Röjås Erik Andersson, Boda
During the Snoose Boulevard Festival (1972–1977), Paul was at his
grandparents’ house for lunch, when he found this polska on a Rättviks
Spelmanslag cassette. He introduced it to Edwin and Bruce, they began to
play chords, and it has been a favorite ever since.
3. Rättvikspolska efter Säbb Anders efter Påhl Olle
Paul solo
4. Julpolskan efter Rättviks Spelmanslag, efter Hedollas Anders,
Paul, Marikay (cittra)
5. Polska efter Rättviks Spelmanslag efter Tysk Ville
This polska comes from an earlier recording by the Rättviks
Spelmanslag. Paul, Daniel, Bruce
6. Gånglåt av Pers Erik
A walking tune that Pers Hans referred to as “Bruce’s Favorite.”
7. Konvaljens Avsked (The Lily’s Farewell) av Otto Lindwall, 1904
A very well known waltz of the 20th century. Edwin gave this waltz to his
daughter Nancy when she was a young girl playing accordion, and Paul
learned it from her when he was about 10 years old. Paul, Kristen, Mary,
Raine, Ross, Marikay
8. Dans på Slöjdstugan, av Sune von Knorring, Orsa
This schottis was given to Paul from a friend of the family named
Hans S. Hanson “Sig.”
9. Blybergs Schottis
“The World’s Best”
NEA National Heritage Fellow and founder of the ASI Spelmanslag, Paul Dahlin, is a cornerstone of the Nordic music scene in the Upper Midwest. He began playing fiddle at the age of 9, and by 17, he was performing regularly at Swedish American events. Dahlin learned traditional Swedish folk music from his maternal grandfather, Ivares Edvin Jonsson, who emigrated from Dalarna in 1924.