Plus-Plus originated in the 1980s in Holbæk, Denmark, with the objective of creating a simple yet captivating toy capable of igniting the imagination and the boundless creativity of children across all age groups. The educational market quickly recognized the immense potential embedded within Plus-Plus, embracing the concept of simplicity and open-ended play in schools and kindergartens. As time progressed, Plus-Plus garnered international acclaim as a distinguished brand renowned for its exceptional quality, and it proudly boasts an ever-growing collection of product and company awards.
Their deep-rooted pride in their Danish heritage fuels their commitment to producing Plus-Plus in theor own factory located in Holbæk.
As a socially and environmentally responsible company, the Plus-Plus factory and headquarters are powered by 100% green energy from wind power. All products and packaging are 100% recyclable, and are made in Denmark, which is recognized as the most sustainable country in the world.